BIOTECH for all: Education, innovation, and commercialization showcased in NBW’s Biotechnology Fiesta
Philippine Science High School students gain R&D knowledge in immersion program at BIOTECH
BIOTECH’s Central Analytical Service Laboratory reaches a decade of ISO accreditation
UPLB-BIOTECH biofertilizers make trees thrive in mined-out areas in Surigao
Laguna province promotes UPLB-BIOTECH’s biofertilizers, biostimulants, and microbial pesticides for sustainable agriculture
UPLB-BIOTECH research, technologies pushed to enhance Infanta stakeholders’ livelihoods
BIOTECH researchers mentor Philippine Science High School students
Oryzinc™ – A Sustainable Solution for Rice Biofortification and Soil Zinc-Solubilization
BIOTECH trains state universities, government regulatory agency on laboratory techniques for chemical and electron microscopy analysis
Use Bio N today, keep high farm costs away
UPLB-BIOTECH technology enhances hog immunity and rids farms of stench
UPLB-BIOTECH’s Bio N may help ease PH farmers’ fertilizer woes
BIOTECH is a premier R&D institution for basic and applied researches on molecular biology and biotechnology addressing problems related to agriculture, forestry, environment, energy and industry that will have positive impact to society. BIOTECH is envisioned to become a globally-competitive Institute that provides high-impact products and excellent services.
The BAFP undertakes research on biofertilizers, plant growth regulators, biostimulants, nanobiosensors, and animal vaccines. These innovative products and technologies are a huge stride in advancing market competitiveness of agricultural produce and increased revenue contributing to significant socio-economic impact to stakeholders. The BAFP products and technologies are intended to address agricultural sustainability while reducing costs of production.
The BIEEP develops biotechnologies and sustainable strategies to address environmental issues in the Philippines. Among these efforts are the bioremediation of heavy metals and high lipid containing wastewater and sediments, waste management, recycling of distillery and sugar mill wastes for agricultural use and improvement in efficiency of bioethanol production.
The BFFSPP transforms raw materials into high-value products. Current activities include the development, production, and application of detection kits for food, feed, and waterborne pathogens, tailored fats and oils, food enzymes, industrial enzymes, biopreservatives, functional food production, and bioprocessing of agricultural and industrial by-products into animal feeds. The program also offers Salmonella detection, enzyme activity assay, and antioxidant assay, among others.
The BNPP focuses on harnessing bio-active secondary metabolites (natural products) from indigenous plants and microorganism as effective reduced-risk crop protection technologies and therapeutic agents. The program primarily utilizes top-down approach which includes diverse sampling, culture condition screening and comparative metabolomic profiling.
The TTBDP supports research and development activities of the Institute and assists in the delivery of BIOTECH research outputs. It develops and packages communication materials for dissemination to various stakeholders. he program provides extension services and facilitates the commercial application of BIOTECH innovations.