UPLB scientist receives TOFIL Award
Dr. Nelly S. Aggangan, Scientist 1 of the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH), was hailed as a recipient of the prestigious Nation Builder and Heroes Award by the Junior Chamber International Senate Philippines.
She was one of six recipients honored at The Outstanding Filipino Awards of 2019, a program held on Dec. 2 at the Manila Hotel to recognize men and women for their exemplary achievements worthy of emulation.
Dr. Aggangan was awarded for her outstanding contributions in agriculture, most especially for improving MYKOVAM, a soil-based biofertilizer for fruit trees, agricultural crops, reforestation species, and ornamentals.
The multi-awarded scientist had innovated on Mykovam and enhanced its microbes from three to 12 types.
A single application of the biofertilizer can replace 60-85% of the recommended fertilizer requirements of a plant.
Mykovam contains spores, infected roots, and propagules of beneficial vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and is known to enhance the absorption of water and nutrients, improve soil properties, and increase yield. It is highly applicable and recommended in organic farming.
The five other recipients of the award were: Legazpi City Mayor Noel E. Rosal (government and public service); Pulmonologist Dr. Joselito R. Chavez (medicine); San Miguel Corp. President and Vice Chairman Ramon S. Ang (business and entrepreneurship); De La Salle Professor Glenn S. Banaguas (environment conservation and science diplomacy); and inventor Dr. Virgilio L. Malang (science and technology). (John Glen S. Sarol)
This article was originally published in the UPLB Website on 5 December 2019 with the URL https://uplb.edu.ph/all-news/uplb-scientist-receives-tofil-award/