Usage of Pilot Plant Equipment
Usage of Pilot Plant Equipment

The Fermentation Engineering and Services Laboratory (FESL) operates and maintains the BIOTECH Pilot Plant equipment and facilities. FESL converts the biotechnologies developed in laboratories into commercial and viable scale by providing engineering and technical support to BIOTECH research groups and other interested clients.

Classification: Complex
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Clients
Who may avail: BIOTECH researchers, students from UPLB, other government agencies, private companies

Checklist of Requirements

Requirements Where to Avail
Request letter Students, Government agency, Private company
Fermentation Engineering Services Laboratory Equipment Reservation Form Fermentation Engineering Services Laboratory
Submit Request for Use of Equipment from clientEvaluate request and provide cost estimate of service; check Equipment Availability and provide client with schedule of service-15 minutesEspiniano M. Umali or Joselito B. Roaquin
Agree with the cost and timetable of serviceApprove Request/Reservation; prepare billing statement-15 minutesEspiniano M. Umali or Joselito B. Roaquin
Pay in full or atleast 50% of total cost at BIOTECH Sales OfficeAccept payment and issue Official Receipt-10 minutesNarciso L. Panting
Submit the materials for processingProcess the materials; Operate the equipment-variableEspiniano M. Umali or Joselito B. Roaquin
-Prepare the technical report and notify client-45 minutesMark Anthony Badua
Pay remaining balance at BIOTECH Sales OfficeAccept payment and issue Official Receipt-10 minutesNarciso L. Panting
Accept the completion of serviceRelease processed materials and technical report to client-10 minutesEspiniano M. Umali or Joselito B. Roaquin
TOTAL-case-to-case basis