
The National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH) was formally established on 20 December 1979 by the UP Board of Regents as a research and development institution based in UP Los Baños. It was formerly known as the National Institutes of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology.

BIOTECH became one of the four units comprising the network of National Institutes of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology within the University of the Philippines System by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 526 issued in January 1995.

BIOTECH serves as the national research and development (R&D) organization specializing in agricultural, environmental, food and feeds, and health biotechnology. The institute capitalizes on the use of the country’s diverse collection of microorganisms, rich natural resources and agro-industrial waste and by-products to develop and advance alternative technologies and products towards improved agro-industrial productivity.

BIOTECH is located in the 77.7-hectare Agricultural and Life Sciences Complex at the University of the Philippines Los Baños and has well-equipped research laboratories and a pilot plant.


Develop cost-effective and environment friendly technologies for the production of goods and services that are comparable or better alternatives to conventional products for their use in the following sectors: agriculture, forestry, environment, energy and industry.


BIOTECH is a premier R&D institution for basic and applied research on molecular biology and biotechnology addressing problems related to agriculture, forestry, environment, energy and industry that will have a positive impact on society.


  • Contribute to increased productivity and competitiveness through the creation of improved commodities, high-value products, processes and services
  • Lead in the use, protection and conservation of biodiversity especially microTo be at the forefront in waste management research through biotechnology
  • bial resources
  • Develop a nationally-recognized information center in biotechnology
  • Lead in technology transfer and intellectual property management
  • To be at the forefront in biosafety capacity building and be a reliable technical input provider for the development of biosafety-related services