
Mycogroe is a soil-based biological fertilizer containing spores of fungi which enhance growth and development of forest trees and commercial plantations. Mycogroe infects the roots and aids in water and nutrient absorption.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place

Shelf-life: One year from date of manufacture

Limitation: Ideal only for reforestation species

SECTOR : Agriculture


How was Mycogroe developed?

When inoculated to seedlings, MycoGroe will infect the roots and help absorb water and nutrients particularly phosphorus. These fungi can also prevent root infection by pathogens and can increase plant tolerance to drought and heavy metals.

What are the benefits of using Mycogroe?
  • Improves survival rates of seedlings in the field
  • Decreases incidence of pathogenic root infections
  • Improves soil structure and mineral recycling
  • Increases drought resistance of plants
  • Safe to use and does not pollute the environment
  • Reduces chemical fertilizer use by 60-85%
How do you use Mycogroe?

Tree species that can use Mycogroe: eucalyptus, pines, and acacias

For seedlings to be transplanted

  • Put 1 Mycogroe at the center of the plastic bag during the potting operations.

For potted seedlings

  • Using a 1-cm wide bamboo stick, make a 5-cm deep hole 1 cm away from the base of the seedling and drop one Mycogroe tablet into the hole.
  • One tablet is inoculated into each seedling during pricking or transplanting in the nursery. Application is done only once throughout the entire life of a plant.


The Director UPLB-BIOTECH [email protected]